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Intumescent strips and smoke seals contain a substance which, when exposed to heat, swells to increase in volume but not in density. These intumescent substances are therefore very useful in providing a fire-proof smoke seal or barrier when the temperature rises as a result of a fire.
Intumescents come in two main types:
It is vital that fire doors have an effective seal at all times, so our fire and smoke seals give you a smoke-free environment. For complete protection, our fire, smoke and draft seals offer the best protection possible.
Use our fire rated mastics and foams like ordinary sealants, but with the added reassurance of effective fire retardant properties, to keep seals airtight for longer in the event of a fire. Our best-selling fire retardant spray is simple to apply to flameproof fabrics, foam, paper, and untreated woods.
Pipes and ducts passing through walls in your premises provide an ideal passage for fire to travel along - until it meets one of our pipe collars, sleeves or other fire stopping items! Intumescent fire collars and wraps contain a special material that expands inwards to seal the pipes, while fire stop blocks can be tilt into a fire resistant wall that can be easily removed or reconfigured.
Plug every gap in your windows and doors with our range of intumescent tapes, seal and putty, plus adaptor packs for letterboxes, hinges, locks and even a fire-rated door viewing panel.
Chances are, your office ceiling is made from fire resistant tiles, but every time you remove one to pop in a light fitting, you provide a way in for fire. Our range of lighting covers prevent fire from entering the ceiling void and spreading further by igniting accumulated dust or dirt. Once the cover is in place, you can fit your lighting as normal.
Where ventilation is required, these intumescent fire grilles are smarter than the average grille, letting air in and out in normal conditions, and sealing shut for up to 60 minutes in the event of a fire. Available in a range of sizes to suit all applications.